produced in collaboration with nein9
Continuing containing (2022-present)
Dance performance by Raz Mantel and Susanna Ylikoski
Dramaturgy: peter pleyer, Gabi Beyer
Dachverband Tanz Deutschland
Neu Start Kultur
Artistic Residencies:
Tanzbüro Berlin
ada Studios Reinkommen residency

In 'Continuing containing', the artists take up the question of the relationship between the person and their environment through the approach of collaboration. They understand collaboration as a biological process and reveal ways to make the influence that human and non-human others have on us visible, audible, and tangible. The performance creates new political ecologies: ways of perceiving and engaging with the lived world and its entanglements. Its cultural meaning confronts and embraces the conflict between inclusion and fear, spaces and practices of care and violence in a paradoxical relationship. Hierarchical relationships are thus called into question: Ideas of beginning and end, initiation and reaction, creation and execution are broken up and transformed. In this way, space is created for a view of living together - a network, a forest, a society, a collaboration. In this, everyone and everything contributes to a force, to something that is to become.
Azathoth (2022)
Phase 1 and Phase 2 created by Omer Keinan in collaboration with nein9
Omer Keinan
with Máté Asbót, Raz Mantell,
Susanna Ylikoski
and Roi Becker
Azathoth is a meditation on the elation and horror of the unknowable. The practitioners – movers and musicians alike – embody individual journeys within a collective mythology. Their continuous transformation at the limit of communication, inviting the audience to adventure through the expanses of meaning-making and fantasy. A concept borne of a grappling with reality as cosmic: an endlessly complex whole, beyond control and comprehension – a notion echoed by many contemporary makers and thinkers. While such realization may invoke existential dread, my collaborators and I sought to stay with the trouble. Beckoning the “void”, we challenged ourselves to assume a process in which form and content interweave; one that is rigorously anchored in the complex relationship between theory and practice. Proposing the practice-based research question: How do we devise a practice/performance that is both rigorously improvised and dramaturgically coherent and complex?
The process and research of Azathoth was enacted through three rehearsal phases, two leading to performances at DOCK ART (DE, 2022). The third was enacted during the ON DISPLAY #2 residency at Lake Studios Berlin (DE, 2022), supported by the NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ - STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR initiative.
Link (The Azathoth Catalogue):
Agada (2022)
Choreographed by Rotem Weissman for nein9
Choreography and Concept: Rotem Weissman
Dancers: Ariel Hayun, Jin Lee, Lena Klink, Raz Mantell, Ruby Frances Jones, Susanna Ylikoski
Dramaturgy: Zuki Ringart
Residency: Tanz Station Barmer Bahnhof Wuppertal. August 2021
A G A D A is a full-length dance performance, choreographed by Rotem Weissman for nein9 kollektiv. The work is derived from the Hebrew song “Agada Yapanit” (Japanese Fable), written by Ehud Manor and composed by Ariel Zilber in 1972. The song describes a pointless tragedy about blind ambition precipitating absurd and unnecessary violence, with an implication that this cycle is inevitable.
individual research projects nurtured by the community
opportunities to elaborate one's practice through artistic exchange and support
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