blank check
platforms for encountering the community's artistic practices
programmed and produced by nein9
Choreography and Performance: Erika Kooki Filia
Musik, Sound Design: Samuel Boldrini
Choregraphy and Performance: Lena Klink
Performance Sound: ASA 808
Light Design: Vito Walter
nein9 solo evenings
...recalibrate boundaries between the human and the non-human. We are going to share space, admit grievances through dance, slams and sound, whilst looking for new figurations of transformation.
29.02-23.02.24 at DOCK11, Berlin
Get your tickets here.
Production, Support and Care Community: nein9 kollektiv – is a composition of non-hierarchical spontaneity. Our community space contains spaces and dialogues on nurturing inclusivity and embracing the paradoxical and chaosmic dialects of violence and care through questioning: How can embodiment be the revolution of our times?
Credits Trailer: Video: Paul Holdsworth, Hyungjin Lee, Susanna Ylikoski, Erika Kooki Filia ; Video Editing: Lena Klink ; Sound: tINI, Steffy Argelich - Shakesbeer

Blank Check Festival 2
September 21-24, 2023 at DOCK ART
In the festival’s second edition nein9 celebrates live art through a patchwork of recent works.
The festival is a space to share the recent works of the nein9 community. This year’s edition highlights on-going processes and practice-led investigations, inviting the audience to participate in the research of everyday life - ways of being with, in, and through the world. The festival also marks the expansion of nein9 through new members and bridges with international collectives – nein9 invites fellow practitioners to encounter and join the community.
Blank Check Festival ‘23 is fantasy, uncertainty, comedy, tragedy, resistance, depth, mythology, improvisation, release, utopia, ritual, suggestion. Performers are leaning, tending, falling, smashing, sketching, distorting, punctuating, clarifying, questioning.
Ariel Hayun, Cesar B., Raz Mantell, Susanna Ylikoski
Omer Keinan
with Máté Asbót, Raz Mantell, Susanna Ylikoski,
and Roi Becker

DOCK ART, June 23-26, 2022

Blank Check Festival
March 10-13, 2022
In cooperation with DOCK11 and Acker Stadt Palast
nein9 kollektiv’s Berlin debut, celebrating live art through a patchwork of recent works.
Blank Check festival presents a new generation of movement and choreography artists in their Berlin debut; a melting pot of individual pasts and presents. The festival is a space to reveal and share the recent works of nein9 kollektiv, their collaborators and invited guests. Forming a curational collage, with each evening celebrating and providing insight into radically different approaches to the performance arts. The first night foregrounds body and perception. The second, tension: grasp and release, loss and power. The third ponders balance and disharmony, through the works of invited guests. The fourth and final night, communion.