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A series of sessions facilitated by nein9 members, sharing their current movement research practices in a weekend at Uferstudios and Dock11, Berlin.

Day 1: Saturday 27.05 at Uferstudios

free participation, registration required

Laloushak / Ariel Hayun

twerk, belly dance, knead, vibrate, shake


Laloushak is an open research practice in which we will experiment with movements coming from Twerking, Belly dance and Orly Portal Method to soften, knead and shake the flesh around our pelvises. Ariel's ongoing research explores ways of combining knowledges from subversive dance practices in which the pelvis is the protagonist with feminist and queer approaches. Laloushak is the pilot version for a series of events in which Ariel wishes to bring together people, pelvises, asses and minds to explore the ‘sensuous knowledge’ arising from them. 

All genders welcome, non-dancers warmly invited.

The studio is barrier free, I would be happy to open the session for all bodies so please contact me if you are interested to come but not sure if you are fully able physically to participate.


For registration, questions, and further details, please contact Ariel via

Instagram: ariel.hayun


Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR.


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Day 2: Sunday 28.05 at DOCK 11

pay as you earn: 15€ for half day or 25€ for full day, registration required

body parts shifting / Lena Klink



body parts shifting is inspired by somatic approaches such as Feldenkrais and research on neuroplasticity, which shows how habits become embedded and manifest in our bodies. The movement-based practice is designed to teach the body how to implement already experienced actions/reactions in new places and contexts by moving body parts as other body parts would. 

We do start the improvisation session by generating attention, lying and not moving (please prepare your clothing accordingly).


For registration, questions, and further details, please contact Lena via email:


Funded 2021 by Dis-Tanzen, der BKM, des Dachverband Tan Deutschland und Neustart Kultur.


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Mythologies / Omer Keinan

practice-led research, somatics, imagination, performance


Mythologies is a practice-led investigation through the interrelation of embodiment, performance, and media-driven, mediated representations of reality. Utilizing somatic and psychoanalytic practices, we tune into a state of playing where imagination and movement intermingle. Through a sequence of improvisation sessions, we engage with a particular mythology and attempt to unfold it through embodied practice. 

A frame for nourishing a capacity to think and imagine through movement, as well as exploring principles of dance and choreography. Striving to develop individual and collective toolsets with which to excavate, decipher, discuss and tinker with embodied knowledge, exploring its applications and implications for performance making and the practice of everyday life.


For registration, questions, and further details, please contact Omer via
Instagram: keinanomer ; email:


Additional information on the practice-led research concepts and methodologies is available through The Azathoth Catalogue:


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Photo by Quiet City Films
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