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Blank Check Festival
Perception - 10th of March 




Kastanienallee 79, 10435 Berlin

Duration: 85 minutes

Covid-19 2G+ Rule applies 



Omer Keinan


Created by Omer Keinan
with Máté Asbót, Raz Mantell, Susanna Ylikoski 

and Roi Becker

Duration: 30 minutes


Big thanks to Nitzan Cohen and Nava Zuckerman, and the many practitioners and friends who have taken part, over almost three years, in developing the methodologies at the heart of this process.

photo: Susanna Ylikoski

Azathoth approaches cosmic-horror and existential-dread, drawing on the literary works of H.P. Lovecraft.  The audience is invited into a meditation on hermeneutics, twisting and bending and disorienting, proliferating and prolonging the act of perception and interpretation. A play of meaning-making, transient and precarious. Savoring aporia, containing the existence of a reality beyond grasp, a tempest of beliefs and truths.


Devised as a postdramatic-experiment, the piece attempts to conceptualize an act of creation as chaotic and multiple. Seeking to manifest the disintegration of logic, the harrowing hounding for knowing the unknowable that is at the eye of cosmic horror - on the level of artmaking and performance.



Ariel Hayun


Score & performance: Ariel Hayun

Music: Nasty Women by Valesuchi and Matias Aguayo.

The text in the track is taken from Ashley Judd’s speech Nasty Women (written by poet Nina Donovan) during Women’s March at Washington (January 2017).

Duration: 10 minutes.

photo: Joan Aguilà Cuevas

"For each of us as women, there is that dark place within where hidden and growing our true spirit rises” (Audre Lorde) 


Under-discussed is a solo created and performed by Ariel Hayun as a celebration of the cyclical nature of life and death. It is a call to make space for the intricately sensitive emotions beyond political and religious discussions about female bodies.




Susanna Ylikoski, Ariel Hayun and Cesar B.


Sound and composition: Cesar B.  

Dance and choreography: Susanna Ylikoski and Ariel Hayun

Duration: 10 minutes

photo: Cesar B.

Womb is a performance by the artists Susanna Ylikoski and Ariel Hayun in collaboration with the musician César B., that shares an auditive-image of the dancing body. 

A microphone taped to the skin captures sounds coming from inside the body of the dancers. Sounds that are normally hidden become audible placing the dancers in a situation of exposure.


By making audible the points of emissions, trajectories and durations of body movements, a prevalence of sound is created in the performance space, questioning how sound informs, affects, and transforms the perception of bodies. The synchronous act of sharing the movement and its sound creates a paradoxical world where we are both the observer and the observed: namely meeting with the impossibility to coincide with one another and oneself.


Schritt (Instep)

Lena Klink

Schritt Photo - Lena Klink_edited.jpg

Creation and performance: Lena Klink

Duration: 15 minutes


Schritt is a developed version of the original, a part of Lena’s graduation work in SEAD Salzburg, 2020. Since then, her own movement research grew and took influence on this work. She could deepen her movement research, funded by Dis-Tanzen, NEUSTART KULTUR, Dachverband Tanz Deutschland and by the Commissions of the Federal Government for Culture and Media in 2021. Parts of this research found its inclusion into the creative process of Schritt.

photo: Miriam Budzáková

The solo Schritt combines march and polka dance with Lena’s body parts shifting movement research. Her choreographic works aim to lighten the interstice of contradictions in our everyday life. The movement research unfolds a physical get-together of the uneven and dis-matches of parts within a body and beyond. The political weighted marching dance and its appearance on stages in middle Europe provokes and engages simultaneously; Schritt scratches at the surface of the carnivalesque smile.  

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